

  • This proposal addresses Creating a Significant Learning Environment (CSLE) that intentionally affords offshore Oil  & Gas professionals a Choice in taking Ownership, actively find their Voice in maximizing and taking advantage of the availed opportunities for multiple Authentic (COVA) experiences in the subsea oil and gas industry. Read More…

Literature Review

  • Learners in the subsea offshore oil and gas industry will benefit significantly from Training conducted in a blended learning environment intentionally and thoughtfully supported with eXtended Reality (XR) simulating actual real-world equipment and critical operations scenarios. By “learning and doing”, learners build confidence, experience immediate “cause and effect” feedback, and engage in real-time peer-to-peer team workflow activities. Learners practice master navigating Original Equipment (OEMs) large databases for operations, maintenance, engineering bulletins, product advisories, and alerts update information. Read More…

Implementation Plan