EDLD_5302: Goal that is Important to me….

One of the big takeaways I’m targeting as a goal from this class is to be able to learn how to better utilize the growth mindset foundation to structure, articulate, implement, and deploy technology in a digital online learning environment for industry specific adult learners.

The challenge that is very real, has presented, and is presenting some significant character stress testing is to

  1. Consistently carry my team members along who have never done this before, in
    • Getting them to “own” their training in mastering new skill sets they’ll need
    • Keeping the team motivated, identifying life’s invariable “hiccups” and thoughtfully coaching them through
    • Having difficult conversations that “kick starts” personal responsibility where necessary, for growth critical to the end goal
  1. Hit milestones and key performance indicators that keeps administration/management happy and having the critical support in working towards the end goal
  1. Schedule internal and identified external benchmark beta testers that will give much needed feedback that is validates the quality and readiness of the curricula.

Certainly this has been a tremendous growth mindset next step at this stage of my profession, and one that is still unfolding.